Quotes from Andy Babiuk, in Beatles Gear: p.239 The Beatles had naturally set up their Apple studio to be as convenient and comfortable as possible. Their EMI-enhanced Vox PA system was brought in for playback, but Fender supplied a new PA system as well. The Fender rig was the company's new Solid-State Series PA, consisting of a simple four-channel head and a pair of Fender "Solid State" speaker columns. The Fender system was used in the studio recording room for live monitoring of vocals. McCartney played his 1963 Hofner bass almost without exception at the Apple sessions, although his stripped Rickenbacker 4001S was present as a backup. For 'Two of Us' he used his right-handed Martin D-28, strung upside-down as ever to accomodate his left-handedness. Some photographs taken at the time also show McCartney's Epiphone Casino lying around in the Apple studio. |
Posted: 6 apr 2012